

isa-san-03/If you love yourself so much that you don’t need a partner, you will never want to go back to the way you are now. You will never be unhappy.

578-579 :Mogiri no naiyou san:2010/09/26(Sun) 00:09:42 ID:ZtiP1ZR.0>I don't know if you will like them when they love yo...

isa-san-02/Either way, we live in a world where wishes come true. I hope you will love yourself more and more unconditionally.

553 : Mogiri no namera: 2010/09/25 (Sat) 22:41:32 ID:ZtiP1ZR.Thank you. You are all so kind, it makes me cry.But sorry, ...

isa-san-01/Reality is the image of a television show that has already been broadcast. If you continue to watch the image, the new content that is projected will depend on that image.

505 :Mogiri no namera:2010/09/22(Wed) 08:22:54 ID:RQs5ASO20Please advise me. Something very shocking has suddenly happen...


43 :1/6:2007/12/28(金) 12:29:05 ID:E8NQlbKH0|。゚)…過疎りはじめたのかな?このスレ |≡(゚▽゚)もしかして今が書き逃げのチャンス? 願望実現についてなんだけど、自分の経験からしても、よっぽどの事...


1539 名前:「幸せになってよい」アファやってたら、いきなりぶつけられたんだが…。どうゆう事?1540 名前: 108★ :2009/04/21(火) 16:21:17 ???0 ≫1539すかさず、「この状況は私にとって素晴らしい!」 ...

Kuwata-san-01/”All you have to do is simply and unobtrusively choose the situations that you want to appear in your world.

57(4):Mogiri no naman 2010/12/01(Wed) 03:02:14 ID:JK4zyke.0 JK4zyke.0People who say that their wishes are not being fulf...

Kuwata-san-02/You can face a blank canvas anytime you want.

98 : No name of the cobblers : 2010/12/06(Mon)17:22:32 ID:Dm.OCgz60Notice this choosy area."And what does that mean?What...

Kuwata-san-03/You created it because you wanted it, so there is no shortage.

223 :Anonymous:2011/01/12(Wed) 01:32:45 ID:938EshvE0Kuwata-san's response is interesting - I keep reading it over and ov...

Kuwata-san-04/The recognition that the surrounding ‘world’ and ‘space’ are part of oneself is important.

366: Anonymous Poster 2011/01/21(Fri) 00:27:10 bRTkyvnQ0I tried to write about the change in perception.In short, it’s a...

Kuwata-san-05/The world is always you. I create it, including the things that haven’t come true.

416: Anonymous ticket collector 2011/01/22 (Sat) 17:00:04 ID: lN6BKD.6OI have a question for Mr. Kuwata.Thanks for the c...