Kuwata-san-01/”All you have to do is simply and unobtrusively choose the situations that you want to appear in your world.


57(4):Mogiri no naman 2010/12/01(Wed) 03:02:14 ID:JK4zyke.0 JK4zyke.0

People who say that their wishes are not being fulfilled because they want to “do something about their current situation”
I think there are many people.

But the world is all created by you, and you created your current situation.
I feel that everything starts with the realization that you created the current situation.


It is you who created your situation, your personality and human nature (what you think of as human nature), and it is you (really you) who created your current physical body.
It is also me (my true self) who created my current physical body.


The true self is like an omniscient and omnipotent being that has no general feelings at all.
I am like an omniscient and omnipotent being that has no general feelings at all.

You can simply choose the situation (appearance, personality, wealth, and everything else) that you want to appear in your world.
I realized that all I have to do is to choose the situation (appearance, personality, property, and everything else) that I want to appear in the world.
I started to realize that anything can come true (although the word “come true” is not quite right).
I am now able to make everything come true (although the word “come true” is not quite the same).


58 :Mogiri no namazu 2010/12/01(Wed) 03:07:01 ID:JK4zyke.0 JK4zyke.0
I hope you all can make the hoi polloi come true.


59:Mogiri no naman 2010/12/01(Wed) 13:50:09 ID:y9dYM.5Y y9dYM.5YO
How long has it been since you had the desire to do so?


62:Mogiri no naman 2010/12/01(Wed) 14:45:05 ID:HyjF./x HyjF./xUO


It’s been about two years.


I used to do attraction and other methods as if I was learning some skill,

After I changed my perception that it was all my creation, that feeling disappeared.

I feel like I realized that the waves are actually the ocean.


67:Mogiri no nenban [sage] 2010/12/01(Wed) 20:25:19 GVa5zgPc0
Please give me more details.


Just a plain choice.

Especially this part.
If I want a car, can I buy a car?
If I want a house, can I buy a house?


68:Mogiri no naman 2010/12/01(Wed) 21:41:51 ID:JK4zyke.0 JK4zyke.0

You want it because you don’t have it.
If you want a car because you don’t have a car, it is because you have created a world without a car.
So, you should create a world with cars.


If you want a car because there is no car, you were creating a world without a car, so you should create a world with a car.
It is a very complicated world that you want to have a car while you choose not to have a car.
It is creating a strange world.

69:Mogiri no nenban-san 2010/12/01(Wed) 21:43:43 ID:JK4zyke.0 JK4zyke.0

I don’t think this is an explanation at all, but anyway, people who change just to recognize that their world is 100% their own.
I don’t think I’m explaining it at all, but anyway, people who change just by recognizing that their world is 100% their own creation will change rapidly.


But I’m sure there must be people here who think “I didn’t create anything bad”,
But it is the ego that decides what is good or bad, although it is a little complicated.


You can be walking down the street and get a million yen,

But it is your ego that decides what is good and bad. Because I created them because I wanted to create them.

It is ego that judges which is better or worse, higher or lower, and worries about it.


When I think or imagine that I might be beaten up, I feel bad, and when I think or imagine that I might get a million yen, I feel bad,

I think it feels pleasant when you think, “I might get a million yen,

This is only because I have to write “unpleasant” and “pleasant” in writing.

But this is not a generalization of “dislike” or “enjoyment.

From the point of view of the “real me,” it’s just a story about choosing between “red paint (one million yen)” and “blue paint (getting punched).
It is just a matter of which one you want to choose.


If you want to add the color of money to your world, the red paint will give you a good impression and you will choose that one. If you want to paint a picture of being beaten up in your world, the blue paint will appeal to you and you will decide to use that one.


Choosing is like what I wrote above in my case, but I’m sorry I couldn’t write much despite my best efforts.




70:Mogiri no nai-san 2010/12/01(Wed) 22:05:53 ID:JK4zyke.0 JK4zyke.0


I also woke up this morning and found my (I think) physical body,

I woke up in my usual cracker bedding, and I’m wearing my usual nightgown.

It’s all a creation.


If I didn’t have the familiar body, if I looked like, say, ex-Giant Kuwata…

What would I say at work, or how would I rewrite my driver’s license?

Or, “What about Kuwata’s face before that?

I have written about this at length, but I would like to say that this choice was made by me.


I have written about this at length, but what I want to say is that we should be aware of this area of choice.
I have written about this at length, but what I want to say is that we should be aware of this area of choice.


71:Mogiri no nenrei san [sage] 2010/12/01(Wed) 22:06:10 GDENf0cQ0


Is the feeling like, “Okay, now let’s make it”?

Is it something you can pinpoint and create, like “let’s win that prize” or “let’s make that girl our girlfriend”?


74:Mogiri no naman [sage] 2010/12/01(Wed) 22:28:57 aO89IQKs0


On the side.

>I’m going to change just to recognize that the world is 100% my creation.
>Just by recognizing that the world is 100% created by me, people who change will change more and more.


I don’t know if I can put it into words, but if you have any tips on how to reach this recognition, or any points to correct that you are aware of on a daily basis, please let me know.

During the process, I think there is a blurring of “I didn’t create it” and “I may or may not think so.

Can you describe the process by which you came to recognize the Creator?


Choosing a familiar body

But even if you realize that you have chosen a familiar body,

But even if you realize that you have chosen a familiar body, most people choose that body, and it’s a loop loop, isn’t it? I think it is a loop loop.


76:Mogiri no nenban-san 2010/12/01(Wed) 22:53:52 ID:JK4zyke.0 JK4zyke.0



A blur of “I didn’t create it myself” and “I may or may not think so.”

This used to be me, but in the end it’s all ego that thinks so.

I tend to think this way, especially when there are things that are generally considered “not good,

The labeling of something as “not good” is the ego’s doing.


Once you come to the realization that you created everything, you can only feel love.

I don’t like to use the word “love” because it sounds too abstract.

But I also feel that affection and love are slightly different.


As for the choice of body, if I can become aware of that, I can change my current body.
It is quite easy to change the current body,

As you can imagine, tomorrow morning
I’m not saying that your face will look like Kuwata or Matsui, but it is easy to lose weight or gain weight.


The important thing is not to deny your current body, which is your work of art.
First accept what you have created, but recognize that you can try to paint the body with different paints next time.


79 :Mogiri no nenrei [sage] 2010/12/01(Wed) 23:13:18 aO89IQKs0


Thank you, thank you for the late night.


As for the ego, the part of me that blames others for this must be a bad thing was the part that denied my creation (even though I knew it was ego).


As for the body choice… I don’t want to choose the phenomenon of reality, but I feel like I am in a loop of “drawing the reality I want and then breaking it”.


Somehow, it seems to me that you are making a mistake in trying to change reality by thinking too deeply about it. (Still a loop maybe)

I’m going to drop out tonight, thank you for answering my questions.


82:Mogiri no nai-san 2010/12/01(Wed) 23:30:34 ID:JK4zyke.0 JK4zyke.0

I feel like I’m in a loop of “drawing the desired reality and then breaking it.”


I feel this is similar to what I used to do, so I will respond at the end.
Perhaps I am currently denying myself for having created it.


I think that you are denying your own work, saying, “This is not good enough! You suck!” And if you keep tearing it up and throwing it away
If you repeatedly tear up and throw away your work, there will be nothing but negativity,
I feel that you will end up creating a negative world.

As I wrote in the section on the physical body, I think it is important to “first acknowledge your own work that you have created so far.
I personally think that it is important to “first recognize your own work that you have created so far.


75 :Mogiri no Namesan :2010/12/01(水) 22:32:48 ID:EtlbEhm60


I feel like I realized that the ≫wave was actually the ocean.


If you don’t mind, I’d like to hear about the process of realizing that the wave was the ocean, your view of the world that you are the ocean, or anything else you think about.


I was personally a bit intrigued by your choice of wave and ocean as an analogy.


80 :Mogiri no nenban-san: 2010/12/01(Wed) 23:21:13 ID:JK4zyke.0


If you don’t mind, I’d like to hear about the process of realizing that the waves were the ocean, or your world view of being the ocean, or whatever you think you are, etc.

This also covers a bit of what I wrote above, but only after I recognized that it was all ego feeling.

In the past, I used to think that methods of attraction and the like were about acquiring special skills.
I used to think that methods such as attraction were about acquiring special skills, that they were somehow weird but might be useful in my work.


However, I am ashamed to admit that I used to be a very short-tempered person and often got angry at work.

Naturally, if I was that angry, I would encounter problems in my relationships.


Finally, I reached the limit of my stress.

“I’ve had enough of being angry! I’ve had enough of this!
Who is really angry? And that’s when I began to think about my ego,

I began to think about my ego, and after reading books on attraction and other topics, I began to feel that I was attracting anger, which led me to where I am today after many twists and turns.


The “waves and the sea” was just an instantaneous analogy that came to mind,

I did not write it with a deep meaning in mind.

