Kuwata-san-02/You can face a blank canvas anytime you want.




98 : No name of the cobblers : 2010/12/06(Mon)17:22:32 ID:Dm.OCgz60


Notice this choosy area.”

And what does that mean?


What does this area look like?

What does it mean to choose?


I am sorry for all the questions, but could you please tell me?


120:Mogiri no nenban-san 2010/12/09(Thu) 00:59:35 ID:JK4zyke.0 JK4zyke.0(


Choice means, since it is undeniably you who created this world.
All you have to do is intend what you want.


I think the concept of “desire” itself is already wrong, though it may be a misnomer.

Everything in the world is equal to you, but when you want something, somehow you think
I start thinking things like, “In order to get that thing, I have to do more of this.”

(You start separating from the world = yourself, and you think of this state as “I have a desire” on your own.)


(You created the object you want, so why go to the trouble of separating your limbs from yourself?
So why go to the trouble of separating your limbs from yourself?

The moment a desire appears, it is unmistakably you.


The moment a desire appears, it is unmistakably you.
So you are saying that we should choose it.


121:Mogiri no nenban 2010/12/09(Thu) 01:09:13 ID:JK4zyke.0 JK4zyke.0

As I wrote in the previous section, “I never intended to create such a painful situation! I think there are people who think “I didn’t mean to create such a painful situation!


But the ego is the one judging what is or is not painful, and it has nothing to do with the real you.

The situation that you think is “painful” or “hard” is something that you have created.

Therefore, you can either suffer or not suffer, it doesn’t matter.


The ego is simply evaluating the picture drawn by the “true self” and saying, “This picture is not good enough.

You should ignore the ego’s evaluation and accept the picture created by the real you.

Then you can choose a new painting. Never deny what you have created.

You just have to accept it first, and then paint another piece of art.


122 :MOGIRI NO NAMES 2010/12/09(Thu) 01:14:02 ID:JK4zyke.0 JK4zyke.0

Before writing a piece of artwork, of course, one faces a blank canvas.

I think that the tool to get into this state of blankness is what is called cleansing.

In other words, I can go to a blank canvas whenever I want, and I can write (create) whatever I want.


Therefore, you are the ocean, not the wave, when you think you are the wave.

When you think you are the wave, you are concerned about the big wave next to you, but if you are the ocean, you are the one who created the big wave.

But if you are the ocean, you are the one who created the big wave.


Therefore, I can be truly happy for the success of others (or what I consider to be others).


136:Mogiri no namazu 2010/12/12(Sun) 14:39:30 iTmVA0vA0


What specific wishes were granted?

Please let me know if you would like to know.

Were you able to have a face like Mr. Kuwata’s?


145:Mogiri no namazu-san 2010/12/15(Wed) 23:31:55 VRtDOZ8Y0


Recently, I even bought a new computer.

Rather than buying it, I got it from a friend who loves computers and built it himself.

It didn’t become a face like Kuwata’s because I didn’t make a choice.




146:Mogiri no namazu 2010/12/15(Wed) 23:37:46 VRtDOZ8Y0


It seems that I was wrong to say “choice”.

In other words, this world was created by me, so it can be said that the choice has already been made.

If you can become aware that you = the world and the world = you, for example, if you want a high-spec computer, you can go to a Yodobashi or some such store and you will find them all lined up in a row,
All of these things are created by you.


When you are separated from the world, you feel a sense of lack, like “I don’t own it yet,” or “I don’t have the money yet,” but since you are the world, you don’t feel a sense of lack.


All you have is a sense of satisfaction (which is not quite the same thing, but if I were asked to describe the closest feeling, this would be the one I would choose).

If there is no sense of lack, the rest will come to you (the “you” that you perceive as “you” in the world) on its own.


If you remove the “personal level” concept of not owning or not having enough, there is literally anything you wish for in the world you have created.

All that remains is to choose which one.


In other words, your desires have already been fulfilled, in fact, you’ve created a world in which they’ve been fulfilled.

The rest is a matter of choosing what you want.

When you want something and you start to have bad feelings, it is a signal that you are separating from the world you have created.


But you don’t have to suppress it.

You just have to notice the separation, and when you do, it will disappear.

Because separation is an illusion created by the ego.


On the other hand, if you are awakened to a sense of oneness with the world you have created, you will feel very content on your own.

In the world of your own creation, where everything is already prepared for you, you can choose what you like.


After you make a choice, there is a time lag between the choice and the time it appears as a realization.

Time difference? What is the time difference between the time you make your choice and the time it takes for it to become a reality?


I mean, the time difference, or rather, things happen to the people around you (actually, the people you are creating) that are related to what you intended to create.


167 :Mogiri no nenban: 2010/12/19 (Sun) 15:23:09 ID:VcRQJWkg0

145’s explanation is very helpful.

Especially the analogy of the ocean and the waves, it fits well.

Lately, I have been so preoccupied with the big waves I see that I have been feeling rushed.


I just know in my head what is being said, but I can’t capture it in my senses…that’s how I feel.

It’s like when someone explains to you in words how to ride a bike, you feel like you understand it, and then you actually try to ride it, but you have no idea how to do it… (I wonder if I’ve heard this analogy before…)


(I wonder if there is an analogy for this.) So, could you please explain the following in a little more detail?


≫I can feel myself = the world, and the world = me,
≫For example, if I want a high-spec computer, I can buy it at Yodobaba.
≫For example, if you want a high-spec computer, you can find them all lined up at Yodobashi or some such store,
≫But all of these things are created by me.


In my case, first of all, I acknowledge that everything in the world was created by me, and that I created it.

Then I go to Yodobashi. There are indeed a lot of high-spec computers that I want.

So far, 145 is right.


But I don’t know what to do from here.

How can I get the high-spec PCs lined up at Yodobashi to be in my home after this? This will be the case.


After 145’s comment,

≫ ‘When I am disconnected from the world, there “I don’t own it yet”
≫I don’t have the money yet” or “I don’t have the money yet,” or any number of other feelings of lack that get in the way.”


I can agree that this is exactly right here,


I am the world, so I don’t feel a sense of lack.


I still don’t understand this part. You don’t have a high-spec computer at home at the moment, but Yodobashi has one, so you don’t feel a lack of one?


I can’t help but think that I don’t own one yet when Yodobashi has it but I don’t have it at home.

The earlier statement I made, “I acknowledge that everything in the world I made, I created,” means that I just assumed that, but I am not able to own it in the same way as Mr. 145?


Then how can I make it into something like 145….

I don’t understand this part.


I am going to say, “Everything is my creation. I am willing to admit that,
But even so, that alone will not bring me to the same realm as Mr. 145.

What should I do after admitting it?

Or does this not constitute an admission?


177 :Mogiri no namera:2010/12/23(Thu) 00:50:50 ID:VRtDOZ8Y0


It is difficult to put it in writing, but the ego’s assumption about a certain desire pulls me and the world apart.

Sometimes that assumption is a very trivial and trivial thing.


For example, in the case of a computer, it could be, “I want a computer, but my desk is too messy and I don’t have room for it.

Or, in financial matters, “I want money, but my father, who is a gambler, might come to me for money if my salary goes up,


In terms of love, “I want to get married, but if I get married now, my friends who have been single for a long time might not get along with me.
I want to get married, but if I get married now, I might not get along with my friends who have been single for a long time.


In all of the above examples, I dare to use the word “my”, but they are just illusions created by the self (ego). Since the world = me, there is no such thing as “I can’t do something because of my own reasons”.

Because everything is me, there is no concept of other things (persons).


Furthermore, try reading the above example by changing the part “I want ~” into the sentence “I want to breathe,

You will feel how strange it sounds, and you will think, “Breathing has nothing to do with a messy desk.

In other words, at this moment, you have clearly recognized that everything is an illusion created by the ego.


All you have to do now is to let go of these silly beliefs,
Your desires will come true on their own.


When you let go of your beliefs, you will eventually come to the realization that the world is you.
