Kuwata-san-06/Super Mario’s programmer is “world = self” and Mario in the game is “ego


644 :Mogiri no nai-san:2011/02/03(Thu) 01:15:53 ID:r7ky5Vgg0

Kuwata-san, while you’re awake, I have a question.

Is it possible to create without the permission of your true self?

Or is it there, but the ego is making it invisible?

I don’t know the difference.


645 :Mogiri no nenrei san:2011/02/03(Thu) 01:22:12 ID:391VQqOM0


I think it is more like “ego is making you blind”.

It may be a rather rough analogy, but we always know nothing about every moment of this.

You can be a newborn baby.


When the ego gets stuck in you, it starts giving all kinds of reasons like “I don’t have time now,” “I don’t have money now,” and so on.

When the ego gets stuck in you, you start giving all kinds of reasons, like “I don’t have time now,” or “I don’t have money now,” and it clouds your creation.

With a baby, there is no ego, so false notions of time and whatnot do not exist.


646 : Mogiri no naiyou san: 2011/02/03 (Thu) 01:33:39 ID:r7ky5Vgg0

Thank you very much. I will try to stop putting attribution on the phenomenon that is happening in front of me.

Yesterday I listened to the ego’s complaint, so and so, and one mental problem went away.

It is important to listen to the ego without putting a lid on it, isn’t it?


647 :Mogiri no naman:2011/02/03 (Thu) 01:51:37 ID:391VQqOM0


The strong ego reaction is usually also the core part of the story created by the ego.

The ego tries to pull back intensely because it doesn’t want the core part to end.

It often flattens out the most concepts and attributes to that core part, so just notice them and you’ll be fine.


658 :Mogiri no nenban: 2011/02/03 (Thu) 18:17:36 ID:rQakiMrY0

>The reason you can look at a flower and feel beauty is not because the flower is beautiful, but because you yourself possess beauty.
>The reason you feel rich when you see money is because you yourself are rich.


I am impressed here.

But on the other hand, if I feel uncomfortable when I see something ugly or dirty, it is because I myself am ugly and dirty.

Is it because I myself am ugly and dirty?


You once told me that you can honestly rejoice because the success of others = your success,

But then again, other people’s failures, poverty, wars, etc., are all my own problems, aren’t they?

I always stumble at this point.


659 :Mogiri no nenbanasan:2011/02/04(Fri) 00:19:55 ID:391VQqOM0

>On the contrary, I feel uncomfortable when I see something ugly or dirty.
>I wonder if it is because I myself am ugly and dirty…?

This is the work of the ego, not “myself”.

I am sure you are familiar with Super Mario on the NES,

Think of Mario’s programmer as “the world = myself” and Mario in the game as “ego.


The programmer created the world as he wished,

The mushrooms, clay pipes, and turtles are all perfectly placed and he is happy with them.

But for Mario in the game, the turtles are in the way, the clay pipes have to be jumped over, and there is a time limit to complete the stage, which makes him very uncomfortable.

For Mario, the turtles are in the way.

Turtles = very annoying and obnoxious

Tubes = just big and ugly

Time limit = annoying

Mushrooms = useless and don’t appear when you need them

Mario labels them one after another.


This is just Mario doing his own thing, so it doesn’t really matter to the programmer,

But when the programmer starts to identify himself with Mario…

As you can see, Mario’s (ego’s) label is all over the place, and it’s an extremely unpleasant world.


And, feeling that this unpleasant world is unbearable, they go on the Internet and watch the “Super Mario Fastest Strategy Video.

I feel like I can’t stand this unpleasant world, so I go online and search for things like “Super Mario’s fastest strategy video” or “Mario’s strategy thread part2458”.

(Since they are acting to satisfy their ego in a false world created by their ego, no change will happen.)


In other words, everything that is “ugly and dirty” is just the ego making you think so.

Going back to the programmer’s point of view, the programmer has just “programmed” the world “perfectly” as he/she wishes it to be, there is no such thing as pleasant or unpleasant, only “perfect.


In other words, “There was love in everything!” or something like that.

It is the ego that judges the “programming” as “a big clay pipe, it’s in the way” or “why does the turtle have wings, it’s unforgivable”.


Why are programmers able to program a perfect world?

It is because the programmer’s talent is directly reflected in the game design.

The world is truly a projection of the programmer himself.


This leads to the statement, “When you see a flower and feel it is beautiful, it is not because the flower is beautiful, but because you yourself are beautiful.

The clay pipes are perfectly arranged the way the programmer wants them to be arranged, so it is not the clay pipes themselves that are beautiful, but the programmer’s inner talent that is projected, which is why we feel they are beautiful.


In other words, he has it all, and it is projected because he has it all.


In contrast, it is the ego that is calling out, “It’s hard to jump over this (clay pipe), it’s in the way, it’s ugly,” and if you are misled by it, you are manipulated by the ego and end up in a game with the endless turtles.
The battle (feeling uncomfortable and lacking) is waiting for you.


Or worse, it may start screaming, “Let’s reset this” (commit suicide).

The more the programmers themselves are misled, the more “uncomfortable,” “painful,” and “ugly” they become.
The more the programmer himself is misled, the more “unpleasant,” “painful,” and “ugly” will be projected onto him in the form of “other people’s failure, poverty, war,” and various other forms.

But it is never because you are ugly.

It is an illusion because you have believed Ego’s lies.


656 :Mogiri no namaisan:2011/02/03(Thu) 09:22:14 ID:56enRx.UO

I have a question for Mr. Kuwata by all means!

In the past, what is the time difference before becoming a phenomenon? In the past, when I was asked the question

You wrote, “It’s not so much a time lag as it is something that happens around you that you want.”

I would like to know more about that.


For example, in my case

For example, in my case, my wish is to have a boyfriend, live together, or get married.

Three of my friends have moved in together in the past six months.


My cousin got married in a flash!

Two others got proposed to!

It was just like my dream proposal!

And they’re happening one after the other.


This is coming! On the other hand, I wonder how I can experience this in my own life. ←I guess this idea is a separation.

I feel as if I can understand it with one more step after that. Thank you in advance.


659 :Mogiri no namera:2011/02/04(Fri) 00:19:55 ID:391VQqOM0


So, from the above, my friend is getting married or something.

It is a projection of the inner self, so to say that it has already been experienced in real life would be an understatement.

Ego will try to mislead you in many ways, but if you don’t get misled, I don’t think you will have any problems.

In the end, it comes down to “doing nothing.


662 :Mogiri no nenban: 2011/02/04 (Fri) 02:40:36 ID:Mb5g18p60

Can’t programmers stop making games?

Is playing games something that has to be done?




719 :Mogiri no nenbanban: 2011/02/10(Thu) 19:21:40 ID:391VQqOM0


I don’t have anything to join in the game. As I mentioned in ≫708, if you notice the ego, everything is “nothing is happening and nothing is going on”, so there is nothing to worry or fret about.

If you are comfortable with that, you can stay that way forever.


717 :Mogiri no naiyou san:2011/02/10(Thu) 11:57:59 ID:1065XTsU0

671. Thank you for your reply, Kuwata-san. m(__)m

I think “programmer = my original self = God or Creator.”

Mario = ego = what you think you are.

I guess I just have to take it as it is.

Since we were talking about a game, there was an assumption that “a player is necessary.


And, based on this, as I thought about it more and more, I realized that

I kind of understood both “all there is” and “where I stand,” didn’t I?

I (what I think I am) is exactly Mario, but this is not the real me, is it?


All you have to do is remember, realize, or wake up and say, “Oops, I am a programmer (creator).

When you think like this, you start to feel like, “Who am I? I’m starting to feel like, “Who am I?” and it’s becoming a strange, or rather, interesting sensation.


718 :Mogiri no namaisan:2011/02/10(Thu) 12:06:49 ID:/EF/wTEw0

Mr. Kuwata.

They say that ego disappears or ends when you realize it, but what should I do if I don’t feel it disappears at all?


665 :Mogiri no nenbanasan:2011/02/04(Fri) 07:35:09 ID:2CXT9nxU0

Mr. Kuwata, let me ask you a question. (Please answer even in your spare time)


I think there is a me who is rich in perception, but in reality I work as a temp and have no money.

Somehow, it seems that there is a rich me, but I keep thinking of a rich me (?). Perception (?) If I keep thinking (?) and perceiving (?) a rich me, will I develop into a rich me in the blink of an eye?


I don’t know what to say~~.

I’m sorry if I didn’t understand your meaning, Kuwata-san.

If you have already answered a similar question, please tell me the response number.

I’m sorry for being a teller.


708 :Mogiri no nenbanasan:2011/02/10(Thu) 01:52:07 ID:391VQqOM0

This is a typical ≫665

This seems to be a typical ≫ 659, the Mario state that I wrote about.

You may think you are spending your life rich in perception, but that is literally just what you think,
You will end up just thinking it.

Mario is hijacking and jumping over clay pipes and stepping on turtles, and you’re in a state of forced thinking, “Turtles are wonderful!” and you are forcing yourself to think, “Turtles are wonderful!


Even if you think “I am happy” or “I am wonderful” while being deceived by the ego’s lies,
It is like painting a lie on top of a lie, and not a single millimeter has changed.


First of all, why do you think you are poor or in need of money?
Because I have a small deposit,” “I have a small room,” “I have debts,” “I’m a temp.”


Why does that = poor? Who decided that?

It was just decided by the ego, wasn’t it?

Therefore, I think it is good to recognize first of all that the ego created this story on its own.


The ego is entangled in thoughts and creates various stories.

Just by taking a step on the stairs, “my” body moves like this, “my” leg moves like this, “my” eyes move like this, etc., etc., etc., etc., etc., etc., etc.


Just by stepping out of your body, you can create this many stories in an instant,

You can see how much the ego’s storyline has taken over our daily lives.


I don’t know how much I’ve been manipulated by the ego. I have to get rid of it right away!” You may think, “I have to get rid of it right away!

But the ego is not something you can just blow away and make it disappear,


If you can see the vase, your ego will disappear on its own, even if you don’t blow it away.

In other words, ego and “true self” are two sides of the same coin, and if you mistakenly believe that the ego, which is the shadow part, has substance, then various stories created by the ego will start.

Now, let’s say that the ego has happily disappeared and your perception has changed.

The story created by the ego has ended, nothing has happened and there is nothing.

Nothing has happened, but the concept of “rich” and the emotions that come with it will arise.

How is this possible? There should be nothing?

That’s because you had it from the beginning, so you were able to choose that concept.

As I wrote before, “The reason you see a flower and think it is beautiful is not because the flower is beautiful, but because you yourself are beautiful.”

That’s the reason.

Even in golf, it’s so common knowledge that you “have” a driver that you can ask the caddy to “hand me the driver,” but if you didn’t have one, you wouldn’t even be able to say the word “driver.”

Up until now, the concept of “poor” had been chosen by the strong ego’s fabrications and convincing acting.

I don’t know if I’ll win the lottery, but I can end the concept of “poor” and the ego’s fabrications that come with it as soon as I realize my ego.

670: Anonymous ticket collector: 2011/02/04 (Fri) 10:57:04 ID:y.REj.j60

I laughed at why the turtle has wings.

Hey, hey, from Kuwata’s point of view, this thread is probably an ego within an ego, like a Mario strategy guide, and I’m sure my existence as a questioner is also ego to Kuwata, so why do you answer every question like that?

It’s ego, but you can answer it kindly because you are me?

A simple question.

I’m Kuwata too. Thank you.


709: Anonymous Ticket Collector: 2011/02/10 (Thu) 01:53:27 ID:391VQqOM0


I think it’s just because I’m trying to answer the questions that it’s coming out as expected.

But rather than “answering” it’s just “writing because I want to”.

Labeling someone as “answering” is literally nothing more than labeling and is meaningless.

“Master”, “enlightened person”, “100 yen for a single daikon radish”, “87 yen for a pack of eggs” are all on the same level.


671: Anonymous Ticket Collector: 2011/02/04 (Fri) 13:15:44 ID:1065XTsU0

A question for Kuwata.

Programmer = “World = Self”

Mario = “Ego”

In this diagram, what is the position of the “player” who actually plays the game?

It seems to me that it is the player, not the programmer, who has the desire…

Or is it “Mario = player”?

I felt like it made sense at first,

but I’m not sure about this and it’s been bothering me.

I’m sorry for the naive question, but I’d appreciate an answer.


709: Anonymous Ticket Collector: 2011/02/10 (Thu) 01:53:27 ID:391VQqOM0


The player does not exist.

There is no desire either. It is the programmer who decides to make a pipe,

and there is only intention rather than the programmer’s desire.
