Kuwata-san-05/The world is always you. I create it, including the things that haven’t come true.




416: Anonymous ticket collector [sage] 2011/01/22 (Sat) 17:00:04 ID: lN6BKD.6O

I have a question for Mr. Kuwata.

Thanks for the clarity of the plywood analogy.

But I understand that if the marble wants to go, the arm (space) which is the board should be tilted to the right.

But that arm (space) does not have free will, right?

But does it have free will to tilt to the right?

Who has free will when there is no free will in the space? How? How can we tilt the board?

And if you apply this to reality, how can you compare it?

Suppose a marble on the board says, “I want a boyfriend and girlfriend. And the marble you mentioned, Mr. Kuwata, will “do nothing,” or rather, will not be able to do anything.

It will be an action from the standpoint of wanting, so it will create a separation, or it will be over-poached.

And now, let’s say you are on the side of consciousness that “everything around me is me! And now, let’s say you are on the side of consciousness that says, “Everything around me is me!

So, how should we approach the plywood arm (space) that Mr. Kuwata says, “There is no free will or shit,” that is, “I am everything around me,” but how should we approach the plywood from this standing position, tilting it here?

What action does the plywood tilt when there is no free will?

Does the marble tilt to the right even though it “does nothing?”

No. What about the plywood when it “does nothing”? Why does it tilt?

The world around us is us, but we love the marble that came into this world as a body, and we want to listen to and respect its wishes and will, and we want to fulfill its wishes.

I think that is the wish and will of everyone on this board.

Please let me know.


526: Anonymous ticket collector 2011/01/26(Wed) 23:19:52 391VQqOM0


This may sound like an addendum to the above….

As for this, all you have to do is lose the ball (ego) that is rolling.

It seems that the way I wrote “rolling balls” gave the impression that control is necessary, and this is just my poor writing.

In reality, the ball (ego) itself will disappear if the perception changes.

At my level, the ego is not yet completely gone, but I already don’t (and can’t) identify myself with the ego at all.

I already feel love for the ego, like laughing at a child’s mischief and letting it pass.

I feel love for the ego, like laughing at a child’s mischief and letting it go.

Even if a person’s perception has changed to some extent, there are many cases in which there is something that remains deep-seated within the person that is non-negotiable, something that the person does not want to lose, something that is called a “true desire.

For example, a person who is very protective of his/her family may experience a change in perception and say, “Actually, I was never born.

“Actually, I was never born, that I was never born, that it was all a trick of the ego.

“Oh, everything is perfect, that it is. Oh, everything is perfect, that it is.

If you say to that person, “You were never really born, so your wife and children don’t really exist either, right? They may overreact with, “You are not really born, so your wife and children do not really exist.

This is a case where the ego, having lost its place due to a change in perception, uses the person’s most cherished wish as a last desperate attempt.

In other words, “I have recognized that the world is me! Woo hoo!” whereas “Then I will use it to make my wish come true.

Then let’s use it to fulfill this wish! Then let’s use it to fulfill our true wish!

In the beginning of the change of perception, we feel a strong sense of happiness, and mixed in with that feeling of happiness, the ego sneaks in, saying, “If you are so happy, then your true wish will come true, too, Yihihihihihihi.

This is no different from the ego’s roundabout cycle of “I will look for an excellent method, that I have found it, that I have found it.

As long as there is the concept of “fulfillment,” it is the same as asking for lack, merely the words have changed, but the perception has not changed one millimeter.

So how can we go into the realm beyond free will, or rather, go into it, but in the end we just write the same content as before with different expressions.

I don’t like to use the word “wish fulfillment” because it can be misleading, but if you ask me to put wish fulfillment into words, I can say that it is the act of “knowing stillness in stillness.

Silence cannot be silence unless there is something that perceives it as silence.

Similarly, space cannot be space unless there is someone who recognizes it as space.

Breathing cannot be a breath unless there is a body (something that perceives it as a breath) through which it passes.

Then, why is it possible to create “silence” when the surroundings are quiet?

Why do we feel the blue sky spreading out “in space” when we look up at the sky?

Why do you instantly understand the concept of “breathing” when you “breathe”?

Why, when you see or hear the word “money,” does a 10,000 yen bill

(Or even a 500-yen coin.) Why do you know it is a 10,000-yen bill in the first place?

Is it by the color? By the shape? Because it is paper? Because it has a yukichi’s old man written on it?

Then who is it that instantly creates these concepts?

And who is instantly judging that now is the future or the past?

Time” cannot exist without something that feels “time,” right?

And who is judging that we “don’t have it” or “have it” now?

**Who makes silence into stillness, who makes space into space, who makes breath into breath, **who makes a bill into a bill?

**Who makes a bill a bill? **

Herein lies the whole source of the misconception that we are “going” of our own free will.

The “I’m going to do something” or “I’m going to get something” is just a thought or image that pops into your head instantly and manipulates you.

It is a little difficult to put it into a sentence, but normally when you breathe normally, you don’t think about anything in particular. After you breathe, you attach the thought, concept, or image of “breathing” to “it” (in this case, the act of breathing) and feel “Oh, I’m breathing.

Why does “it” come to mind? Because you created it.

And it was the ego that attached thoughts, concepts, and images to the “it” that cannot be named, and put on a face that said, “This is your truth.

The world was just a projection of the “it” that you created inside yourself.

You were the “it.

Once you become aware of “it,” you will see the truth that the world is unmistakably you and you alone.

There is no good or bad, everything is perfect, and the universe is the true self.


625: Anonymous: 2011/02/01(Tue) 23:37:32 ID:1p0tIfYIO

Kuwata san, make a change in your perception.


“Do to those around you what you want to happen and what you want others to do to you.”
> Then the “world”, not the ego, will start moving through the “immediate form in the real world” that is you.
> > > Then the world, not your ego, will start to move through the immediate form of you.


I don’t understand, why do you have to move in a temporary form?

Why does the ego exist? Or rather, the ego and the world as a whole are me?




626: Anonymous: 2011/02/02(Wed) 00:26:38 ID:391VQqOM0


> “What I want to happen, what I want others to do to me, I do to those around me.”

I would like to ask you to read ≫366 one more time, but it is not a big issue whether you do or not.

If you change your perception, the concept of “others” will fade away, and you will naturally become kinder to others.

It is not a “must do” method or anything like that, so please don’t misunderstand me on that.


Then the “world,” not your ego, will be more aware of the fact that you are…

> > Then the “world,” not the ego, will move through your

> “immediate form in the real world.

This may be a little hard to understand,

For example, if “you” walk forward, the space in front of you will be absorbed into “you” more and more, right?

This is because you and the whole world are the same, and it is your true self that creates these concepts. You are creating everything.


627: Anonymous: 2011/02/02(Wed) 01:20:26 ID:1p0tIfYIO


Thank you for your response.

I am still in and out of the frame of the ego, but I guess I can just view that too?


For example, if “you” walk forward, the space in front of you will be sucked into “you” more and more.
> > because “you” and the whole world are the same.


What! W-What is this?

I know it’s strange to say that it’s coming true, but it seems to me that it’s doubly true for my ego (my self in the real world) when it’s true for the world.

I’m sorry if I’m wrong.


628: Anonymous: 2011/02/02(Wed) 01:50:13 ID:391VQqOM0

It’s okay if you don’t understand what I mean,

If you don’t understand the meaning, it may be a chance for you to change your mind.

Therefore, you should not read my writing as if you are learning an instruction manual or a method.

It is enough to read this stuff in the sink.

Now, when you see the statement I wrote in ≫626, you may think, “What the heck is this?

I was judging by the rules of thumb that my ego had built up, and I thought, “I don’t get it.

You have instantly created a sentence that makes no sense.

This proves that everything is a projection of our inner self and that we can create everything instantly.

The only difference is that what you have created may or may not have been altered by your ego.

The “it” that I wrote about in ≫526 is always there, but the ego just doesn’t notice it.


631: Anonymous: 2011/02/02(Wed) 04:36:41 ID:pLA8e/RI0

What is the consciousness that was nowhere to be found?


640: Anonymous: 2011/02/02(Wed) 23:35:32 ID:391VQqOM0


If someone says to you, “Before your parents were born, you were the consciousness that was nowhere,” and you think, “I have no idea what that is,” then that is the correct answer.

Or, “No, I was in the village of Iga, that I was.

The purpose of this question is to have you feel the “consciousness” before the answer comes to your mind.

Therefore, I would like you to feel the feeling of this “consciousness” and feel the simple change of perception.

I wrote something similar yesterday, but you should not think of what I wrote as a “method” and try to embody it.

If you pursue “methods,” there is a high probability that the “methods” will make you ego-driven.

It is because a clear “separation” will start, “I am the one who knows (can do) the method and you are the one who does not know (cannot do) the method.

It is because a clear “separation” begins.

However, if you write “change of perception” or something like that in a sentence, it will inevitably be expressed in a “method” way.

I think it’s a bit of a pain to write “change in perception” or something like that in a sentence, but it’s a “method” expression.

Originally, “it exists” from the beginning.

Because only what you “feel exists” can appear in the world you are creating.

**Then why can’t my desire come true, that it can’t? **

**It is because you created the world as you want it to be. **

If you look at a clock, you create time,

And with it, we create the “past” and the “future,

If you look at a clock, you create time, the past, and the future, and if you look at other people, you create that person, and if you look at a clock, you create time,

If you look at the clock, you create the past and the future, and if you look at other people, you create “that person,

And then, “That’s why I don’t like it when that person is around,

Then we create a continuous story (a story that looks like a story) of “Oh no, let’s read a book on wish fulfillment.

In reality, the ego intervenes moment by moment to create what seems to be a continuous story.

I feel like I’ve written this many times, but it’s all a trick of the ego, and you just have to realize it.

There is no connection between the ego story and the real self,

The real self is just looking at a series of stories, but it is stationary all the time.

It may be misleading to write this in writing, but you can feel “abundance” and “love” if you want to.

The ego’s going ahead with the story on its own is not inherently relevant, so it does not prevent you from feeling those sensations.

Why bother with “abundance” or “love” when you can feel them?

Why go to the trouble of saying, “If you don’t do something, you won’t get something”?

Or, “Someday, in time,” or “A better method,” or “If I become a Kuwata face…

If you can feel the sensation, you can feel it because it is there, and if it is not there, you can’t feel it.


When you look at a flower and feel it is beautiful, it is not the flower itself that is beautiful, but you yourself have beauty.

When you look at money and feel wealthy, it is because you yourself are wealthy.

The world is always yourself.

That is why it is perfectly balanced from the beginning, just like a roly-poly toy.

If you want to make a roly-poly toy stand up, the best thing to do is “do nothing” without pushing or pulling it this way or that.


