Kuwata-san-03/You created it because you wanted it, so there is no shortage.


223 :Anonymous:2011/01/12(Wed) 01:32:45 ID:938EshvE0

Kuwata-san’s response is interesting – I keep reading it over and over again.

I haven’t quite got it down yet, but I feel like I’m one step away from being the last ego resistor or something.

What I like about Mr. Kuwata is the way he pulls it off.

Also, the way he talks, the way he tells the story, it’s like, “He knows what he’s doing.


226 :Anonymous:2011/01/12(Wed) 02:50:34 ID:bRTkyvnQ0


Maybe I wrote it wrong, but it is still difficult to explain in writing.

I don’t know if this answers any of your questions so far, but the reason why I want to achieve my desire is because I feel a lack of it.


I feel that this is where the “wish fulfillment” trap or some sort of paradox occurs,

For example, “I want to achieve a certain desire! I used to be the same way when I thought “I want to achieve a certain desire!
I used to be the same way, but there is a pattern that many people fall into.


I want to achieve my desire!” Why? It’s because you haven’t obtained that goal or desire.

In other words, you feel “insufficient.


I want to achieve my desire” = “I want to feel lack,

Because if you don’t feel lack, goals and desires won’t appear.


From here, a dramatic story unfolds.

I want to achieve my desire! With this thought in mind, he started reading various books on achieving one’s desires, such as The Law of Attraction and Success Philosophy.


Why read? Well, because he always feels that his desires are not being fulfilled (or lack thereof).


It is not easy to achieve his desires, he continues to research further. He also searched for information on the Internet. Why? Yes, because he always feels that his desire is not being fulfilled.

He is constantly feeling “lack,” wishing for “lack,” and inviting “lack.

He may think, “I don’t wish for lack.


Then why do you read success books?

If you don’t have “lack,” you don’t need to read them,

The self that overcomes the “lack” cannot exist without the “lack.


And the scary thing is that the moment he thinks, “I want to fulfill my desire! the moment he thought, “I want my desire (lack) to come true!


227 :Anonymous: 2011/01/12(Wed) 02:53:33 ID:bRTkyvnQ0

However, all of the above stories are stories he created.

It was he who created the concept of “lack”, and it is he who stars in the story of me trying my best to overcome that “lack”.

The projector is simply projecting images onto the screen.


As you may have already guessed, his true identity is “ego.

And his true self is the projector.


The “projector” cannot see itself, it only sees the image on the screen that the projector is projecting.

And then the ego comes in and says, “Let me play the lead role! The projector itself is the ego’s projection.


The projector itself is fooled by the ego’s “true-to-life” performance, and it mistakenly believes that the image it is projecting is the “me” that it is projecting.


However, the projector has the right to choose the image.

If a desire (or lack thereof) arises, we just have to think that we don’t choose it.


It may sound like a paradox, but “nothing” is “everything.

The moment you think, “I want something,” the “I feel lack, that I do” begins.


When you are absorbed in the image, the projector itself will be absorbed into the image.

Then, why don’t you go back to the awareness that you are the projector?

The moment you return to the awareness that you are a projector, “I feel the lack, that I do” is over.


The moment you return, the “I feel lack, that I do.

At this very moment, everything has come true.

Earlier, “lack” was realized instantaneously, but this time, “sufficiency” was created instantaneously.


The “feeling of lack, that is,” is over forever.


296:Anonymous [sage] 2011/01/18(Tue) 10:50:30 j3fft/wc0


I was looking at 108’s Q&A thread on “Seeing Sufficiency to Achieve Desire” and thought I’d write about it.

I wrote this off the top of my head, so sorry for the mess.


‘This is the Mercedes I want, but it looks like it belongs to someone else. Is it abhorrent?” Do you block fulfillment by bringing up the idea of ownership by ego?

This is the Mercedes I want! What a massive color and style! It’s fabulous!”

and do we simply rejoice that it has entered our experience and that we can own it as an experience?


Here the ego says, “No, no, you don’t have it with you. You haven’t actually ridden it.” And so on.


At that moment, Ego’s “I feel lack, that I do” starts.

Then, by ignoring the ego’s line and simply recognizing that there is a Mercedes Benz, he returns to the position where he was the projector.


In other words, the ego’s appeal, “I don’t have it,” is only a trick.

It is the perfect scenario to make you think you “have to have it” in order to play the “wish-fulfillment game.”

But we are so used to this scenario that “I already have it” is hard to believe.


And I’ve come up with this much, but what do you think?

To be honest, I’m not quite there yet,

I’m not sure if I’m off base or not, but I’m not sure.


298 :Anonymous:2011/01/18 (Tue) 11:00:49 ID:Rl.3puDo0

≫ 296

Hagedo (dead language w)

I don’t know if others consider me a guru or not,

I don’t know if others consider me a master or not, but I have reached the realm of those who I once considered “masters”.


My perception has changed in many ways. I understand the story of the projector, and I understand chapter 7.

I looked back and saw that the ticket had fallen. Oh, so that’s how it is.

Now the phenomenon is so flat and in perfect harmony.


The last words of Mr. isa, “Phenomenalization is not a thing, but I don’t say it”.

I think the answer is the concept of “possession” of 108 you mentioned.

I guess isa-san, when he writes that, he discourages those who are biting at phenomenalization and says that there is no such thing as attraction or perfection,

I think isa-san did not write it because he thought that writing it would discourage those who are biting at phenomenalization and drive them back to despair that there is no such thing as attraction or perfection.


Words, being words, limit all things.

And there are all kinds of perceptions of each person, and only those perceptions are true.


That is why isa did not write it. I’m just guessing.


In the light of your way of thinking, there are all things and all things desired in the world.

You just don’t recognize that you don’t have it or that it hasn’t come true.

You just strongly and strongly believe that only what you can see is true.

You just think that if you don’t fulfill it, it won’t come true.

Just change your perception. You can do it without lifting a finger.


It is the peak of happiness and just a peaceful world.


310 :Anonymous : 2011/01/18 (Tue) 21:34:08 ID:VxvTR1Jw0


Isn’t it difficult to change the perception that something is not fulfilled in a phenomenon to the perception that it is fulfilled in a phenomenon at the cognitive level? 

It’s frustrating. I can’t do it. Wouldn’t that make you a lid?

How can you recognize it so well?


Generally speaking, I don’t know how to shift from this current perception to this perception that “what we can see is not the only fact, but what we can’t see is also fulfilled.


And that too without putting a lid on it or forcing it to be assumed.

I mean, what do you mean by “it’s coming true even if you can’t see it”?

If I can’t see it, then what am I “not seeing”?


What is he seeing then? But it’s really hard not to force the belief.


328 :Anonymous:2011/01/20(Thu) 00:09:45 ID:bRTkyvnQ0


I don’t know if this is a hint…

It doesn’t matter if you are an enlightened person, a genius of attraction or whatever, but when I read books or listen to such people, “I realized that everything is perfect, woohoo!” Or.

“I felt love for everything!” or something similar.


So why don’t I just think, “Everything is fine, no matter what,

I think it’s natural to interpret it as, “So you just have to love on everything.”


So simply put, if you feel “lack,” chant “perfect.”

Or, if you don’t like “lack,” feel “perfection.

But this is not always the case.


But in this case, the “lack” is still there after all.

The ego’s greatest characteristic is to create a sense of separation.


Trying to feel “perfection” in order to fight “lack,” is a clear separation.

In other words, it is like the Monkey King flailing in the Buddha’s palm, not moving one step away from the ego.


I feel the lack, so I fight not to feel it, that I do.”

(director, scriptwriter, lead actor, co-star, all ego, and by the way, the audience’s ego) will just start anew.


When “lack” appears, they say, “Ninpo, jutsu of perfection! or “Ninpo: I love you! or “I love you!

“Ninpo, the art of I don’t know what it is, but I am excited, that I am! The ego that feels lack and the ego that doesn’t want to feel lack end up

The ego that feels lack and the ego that doesn’t want to feel lack are fighting an endless battle.


Of course, it will be effective and ineffective repeatedly.

And then they set off again in search of more powerful jutsu, and the grand drama repeats itself.

What do you do when you find yourself saying, “I’ve had fun with all the different ninjutsu, but I’ve had enough of this.

What should we do? That would be to return to the “consciousness” of the “projector” as I posted last time, but let me write again from a different angle.




329 : Mogiri no nai-san: 2011/01/20(Thu) 00:12:50 ID:bRTkyvnQ0

This is a bit of a digression, but why do we feel lack in the first place?
I think it is because there is a fundamental desire to “live” and “to live”, and “fear of death”.


If I don’t have money, I will die, and if I don’t eat, I will die.

That is why they think, “I have to do something about the shortage, I have to live.


First of all, “Ikiru de gozaru no maki” begins

Then comes “I need money and food to live, that I do.

and then, “I need more money and food to live, that I do, that I do,” and then

and then, “I feel lack, that I do, that I do.


And some people are troubled by the thought, “Anyway, I don’t have enough,

Some will say, “I want to do something about the shortage, so I’ll try my best in various ways,

Maybe it will work, and you will overcome the deficiency, but there will always be another deficiency.


Wanting to overcome a deficiency is the same as wanting a deficiency to overcome.

Both Batman and Spiderman would be mere perverted costumers without a villain to defeat.

In the end, they are just circling around the same place.


But what if we question even this concept of “living, that we should live”?


Why are we aware that we were “born” or “live” in the first place?

I would like you to consider the answer to the following question


“Where was I before my parents were born?”

“I wasn’t anywhere” – that’s wrong.

You have a “consciousness” that allows you to recognize that you “weren’t anywhere”.

I definitely existed as “consciousness”.

The belief that you are “living in the real world” is just a concept that the ego creates by making up some arbitrary reason, such as because there was a photo of you when you were just born, or because you are breathing.

As soon as “I am alive” begins, the question arises, then who is it?

And it becomes “I (the ego) am alive”.

“I am alive” was a story starring the ego,

and once you realize that, “I am alive” will disappear.

For “living” to disappear means “you were never born”.

“Not born” means “you will never die”.

Since you are not “alive”, you can see that the concept of “lacking something to live” is false.

In the story created by the ego, “I Am Alive,” if you think “I want to make my wishes come true,” you are in the hands of the ego, so more and more lacks will appear and you will go around in circles.

However, if you realize that you were not alive, the “self” created by the ego will disappear.

In other words, there was no such thing as a “self” in the “world” to begin with.

Once you realize that “I” and “me” are illusions, all that remains in the end is “consciousness” (your true self).

And that “consciousness” should be able to clearly recognize the “world,”

because without “consciousness,” the “world” around us would not appear.

In other words, the world was consciousness itself.

Or rather, you (consciousness) are the world, the universe, and created everything.

There was no “self” or “others.”

Once this change in perception occurs, “I Feel a Lack of Something” will finally reach its emotional final episode.

The world (yourself) has always been in a state of nothing but perfection; it was just hidden by the ego’s fabrication of “living”; in reality it already existed from the beginning.

Why did it already exist?

It existed because your true self wanted to create it.

Since you wanted to create it, there is no lack.

If you become aware of your consciousness as a creator, you will no longer think, “This is unpleasant (lack), so I must improve it!”

Everything is something you created, this is you, that is you, and before you know it, everything has come true.

Or rather, your perception is reversed, so you no longer feel the need to make things come true.

For example, if you want something, then it becomes “that = you,” so the feeling or thought of “obtaining something” disappears.

If your perception is not reversed, your ego will start making a fuss, asking, “How can I get what I want? How can I get it?” and you will start to feel a lack again, but it is enough if you can sense that your ego is making a fuss.

So you can’t go on an endless journey in search of techniques again,

you just need to realize who you really are.

If you were asked to describe that feeling in words,

you would probably say something like,

“I realized that everything was perfect!” or

“Everything was wrapped in love!”


352: Anonymous 2011/01/20 (Thu) 07:51:13 iTmVA0vA0


In other words, there was no such thing as a “self” in the “world” to begin with. If you realize that “I” and “me” were illusions, then in the end all that remains is your “consciousness” (your true self).

Do you always live your life with your “consciousness” (your true self)?

What does that feel like?

At that time, what will happen to the “me” and “me” that you thought of as yourself?
Will they disappear?


336: Anonymous ticket collector [sage] 2011/01/20 (Thu) 01:06:38 pLA8e/RI0

Oh, it’s Kuwata!

As always, I’m impressed with your writing.

So, how do you make your wishes come true?

I’d like to ask you one specific thing.

If I feel something is lacking, is it enough to just acknowledge that?

Is it enough to just think, “Oh, I feel something is lacking right now?”

You can’t just say “It’s perfect!” and do it.
